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Rules for Tardiness More Strictly Enforced at BHS

By Norah Jewett ’25

Starting last week, Mrs. Taylor has informed staff and now the student body of the newly enforced rules on tardiness at BHS. If students come late to class after the bell rings, they are marked as late. If they get three tardies, it results in an absence. Three absences result in a Fail Due to Absence for the quarter. Students have expressed their opinions on the new rules, some liking the responsibility it places on students to make sure they are on time, others disliking it due to the fact that even a few seconds after the bell, they are marked late.

Many students mention how the new rules annoy them to some extent. Some believe there should be a few minutes between the bell and when students get marked late. They point out that people have entered their classrooms even thirty seconds after the bell and been marked as tardy. Some talk about the traffic in the stairways, and still others mention how they need to climb from the first floor to the fourth. On top of that, students being late to their first classes have seemed to be a trend as well. People argue how there can be things from traffic or issues at home that can result in being late to their first classes.

On the other hand, students point out that these rules are needed for the school, as many students are very leisurely on time for class. Teachers, as well, mention how students need to take being on time seriously, and are glad these rules are being enforced.

Overall, though, the opinions seem to range on these enforced tardy guidelines.