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Vending Machines in Cafeteria Adopt New Security Upgrade

By Brayden Haley ’25

A few weeks ago, the vending machines in the cafeteria were equipped with a security upgrade that would change the way you buy things from it. 

The main change enforced with the machines was that students now have to enter their full lunch ID and then their 4-digit pin when making a purchase. Before, students could just enter random pin codes and rack up charges on other students’ lunch accounts. This was the main motive of the change. The ID numbers, which are accessible from a student’s Meal Magic account were sent out via parent, not student, emails. 

Another rule being enforced is the tracking of student ID and pins when used at the vending machine or meal line. Basically, where you purchase a lunch is monitored, so if you buy a meal from the vending machines, it will not be free if you already went to get food from the lunch line. This also occurs when you try to get lunch from the lunch line if you had already gotten something at the vending machine.

If some students have been confused about what is happening with the vending machines, hopefully this information will clear it all up.