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Community in Clubs: World of Difference

By Klea Gjergji & Emily Bala ’23

For the past few years, COVID-19 has stunted social interactions. Getting involved with clubs, people, sports, and new activities became a challenge for most of us due to prolonged isolation. With new progressions concerning COVID ahead, we wanted to use our platform to create an opportunity for community involvement in the school! We are proud to introduce our new series: Community in Clubs. Every Ledger issue we will explore a new club, summarize our experience, and hopefully encourage students across the school to join! Scroll below for a summary, or read on for a detailed view! 

For this issue we decided to explore a new club, World of Difference. Their goal is to spread positivity throughout the school and community to create a “place of no hate.” Once we arrived at room 235 on Tuesday for the meeting, we were automatically greeted with warm welcomes and smiles by all the members. As an activity, we were included in sorting out positivity cards that BHS students had written prior for advisory. These positivity cards were going to be displayed on a board in the hallway, and even passed out to students at lunch to brighten their day. 

At the meeting held the following week, students gathered around to discuss possible upcoming goals and actions. The meeting was laid back, led by students, and inclusive as everyone was welcomed to voice their opinion. Even we, as new members, were able to contribute to the discussion. From our gathering, meetings follow three different themes: planning, execution, and organizing.

We spoke to the World of Difference officers and members in order to get a deeper understanding of the club and their experiences: 

Q: What is your favorite part about being in W.O.D.? 

A: My favorite part about being in the club is being a student-led group of positive individuals who all are interested in achieving the same goal, which is to attempt to spread positivity throughout the school and try our best to combat current student-body issues including discrimination. This same idea is known as “no place for hate” which is a program that aims to make schools into a healthier environment. To convert our school to a “no place for hate,” we need to show that a majority of our school is willing to make changes with their actions and decisions, overall just trying to make positive changes in the atmosphere of the school. Each of us has a passion to try to get our school there as fast as possible, but we need all of your help to get there 🙂 – Mia G. (‘23) Member 

Q: What is the message W.O.D is trying to convey? 

A: In World of Difference, we are trying to get across a message that everyone is equal in not only our schools but Beverly as a whole. -James Hanson (‘23) Secretary 

Q: Do you think an impact is being made? 

A: I feel that an impact is definitely being made by the club, it’s evident through our last advisory where we had students write compliments or positive affirmations. We were glad to see so many people participating and taking it seriously because it means we are just one little step closer to being a no place for hate school. – Mia G. (‘23) Member 

Q: What would your club look like with more members? 

A: Our goal is to try to get as many people as possible to join the club, as it would be easier to change the environment of the school since we would have more perspectives to shed light on current issues. Having more perspectives also means more creativity and learning, as we can learn from other people’s viewpoints and create more successful activities from YOUR help!!! Even just coming by to listen and commentate on what goes on is just as good enough” – Mia G. (‘23) Member 

Q:How has your overall experience been? 

A: Really positive! We have a very good group of students and we all work nicely together. – Eddie S. (‘23) Vice President 

We also had an opportunity to interview Mrs. Sudak, one of the advisors for W.O.D: Q: What drove you to be an advisor for W.O.D?

A: If I am not part of the solution, I am part of the problem. We all need to do our part to make this world better. I was a student here many many many years ago, and have been fortunate to watch progress through the years, but we are not done yet. -Mrs. Sudak, Advisor/Teacher 

Q: What are your personal goals for BHS as a whole? 

A: I have been here 21 years, and another 4 as a student, so I have always had goals about BHS. I don’t want students to feel like they are alone in this building. I really would love to have more students in our meetings and take part in our group. I think there are a number of groups and clubs at BHS, and most of us all have similar goals. I would love to see our club connect with another group to do some joint activities. There is power in numbers. -Mrs. Sudak, Advisor/Teacher 

Overall, our experience has been overwhelmingly positive, fitting for a club that wants to encourage positivity. Members are inclusive, warm, and the advisors are relaxed. The atmosphere is also laid back and not strict on phones and leaving times! 

Currently WOD is brainstorming ideas for their next advisory event. If you are interested in joining and making your voice heard, make an appearance at room 235 every Tuesday after school with your positivity! 

Summary & Key Info: 

Club: World of Difference 

Summary: A student led club focusing on creating a positive school atmosphere

Goal: Creating a “no place for hate” zone 

When: Every Tuesday after school (unless stated otherwise) 

Where: Room 235 

Contact Info: 

Alexis Utne – President: 

Eddie Sacco – Vice President: 

Mrs. Sudak – Advisor:

Mr. Casey – Advisor: