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The Overtaking of the New York Times Game “Wordle”

By Norah Jewett ’25

Most people by now have heard of the New York Times’ game, Wordle, and everyone seems to be playing it. The game gives you six tries to guess a five-letter word, the game letting you know by color if something is in the right spot, wrong spot, or not used in the word at all. Out of a class of 27 students, 18 students say they play Wordle daily. This game has been available since October of 2021, but why is it so popular now?

The answer to this question is because of the new addition of the share button. On top of the game being an easy to learn game that appeals to all audiences, the share button allows you to share with your friends online how many tries it took you to solve today’s puzzle. People take pride in the low count of tries it takes them to solve the Wordle of the day. The reason the game keeps you coming back for more is because every time you get the puzzle right and you see the titles all turn green, it releases dopamine, the feeling of pleasure that keeps you returning every day.

We’ve seen many popular trends that have come and gone. But will this game stick around, or is it just a fad that will die out in time?