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An Interview with @enteringbeverly, Our Town’s Personal Meme Page

By Emily Bala ’23

If you’ve been active on Instagram and live in Beverly, chances are you’ve come across the @enteringbeverly Instagram account.

@enteringbeverly has amassed a following close to 10k in just a little over a year. With their first post on February 18th, 2021, the account quickly became popular with its Beverly-related memes and funny stories which often add commentary to Bev police logs and Facebook groups (usually followed with a Michael Scott GIF). 

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to DM the account (and unfortunately) interview the person behind it all. Get to know them a little better by reading about pickleball below:

Q: What made you start this account?

A: dude honestly the f****n pandemic. i know it sounds lame but whatever a big part of why i like this city so much is the people. I missed being a regular at my coffee shop, spending way too much of my money at local taco establishments, hearing drunk townies scream at local news at bev jade. the only thing we all have in common as bevvies is the fact that we all witness the bats***tery that happens here and we all laugh about it so idk memes are the future i decided to make a bunch for my mental health and yours

Q: Will you ever reveal your identity?

A: nah i really dont think so. i mean ok obviously some people know who i am im not like a weird hermit who knows literally zero people but they’re all sworn to secrecy and i have tons of dirt on them so theyll never talk. idk its weird like i started this as an outlet for my own mental unraveling and maybe now its more of a communal insanity spiral which is totally cute but i think for it to stay cute you cant really know who’s behind it. and be honest, if its anyone other than daddy cahill youre gonna feel pretty cheated so like just embrace the chaos and uncertainty baby. also can you imagine my anxiety if you nutbags all knew who i was there isnt enough medical marinara in the WORLD (sorry highschool teacher dont do drugs kids)

Q: Will you ever retire the account?

A: bruh i thought i would run out of memes in like three weeks. turns out the harder i look the crazier this town gets so idk i guess ill keep it going until we become boring? i mean realistically do i get to a point where im too old to be relevent on the internet oh absolutely but i know you kids will immediately let me know when im slippin itll be like when your gamgam gets checked into the old person home just wheel me in if i start yelling about coyotes at the china jade 

Q: Are you going to be a townie?

A: ok heres the only piece of info i WILL share about myself and that is i am not a f****n homeowner. if im gonna earn townie lifer status i will not be doing it by paying rent into the void for my entire life SO all of this to say if i can ever afford a house in this city ill stay but currently that would involve me selling 80% of my organs, inheriting a small fortune, or having each of my followers lend me $60.

Q: Dunks or Starbucks?

A: we live in BEVERLY there are craft espresso drinks being brewed on every corner like i am insulted by this question to be honest with you but fine dunks for the vibes and the donuts but oh my god f**k whatever they are calling coffee sorry not sorry im a f****n coffee snob at this point and you should be too like look at what we have here Atomic Kiddream Half Baked Tartine Crave Kaffmandu Gusto (rip) LIKE CMON

Q: Thoughts on pickleball?

A: mostly just confusion but go off boomers i hope it keeps ya active.

Q: Overrated or underrated: Rantoul?

A: ok heres the deal rantoul is changing and im f****n salty about it. i think maybe ten years ago it was massively underrated like it had some really f****n cool stuff going on but it also was like partially on fire at all times and felt slightly post apocalyptic. now? idk maybe its just…rated. its good! its got some good s**t going on and its only getting cooler in terms of the new businesses popping up. but generally speaking f**k these condos.

Q: What are your favorite places to visit in Bev?

A: uhh ok well to name drop some establishments obviously half baked is my weekend ride or die at least while theyre open. i also hold a special place in my heart, stomach, and liver for: La Vic, Indo, Lucky Dog, Hale St when im feeling wealthy, Bonefish if the screaming reggae mood strikes, Scottys, Whats Brewin, Jalisco, Back East……ok i started this list and now i regret it. I could name like every place in this town i honestly spend my money like a true idiot this is why I dont own a house yet. i also like walking in the woods with my dogs and we have a ton of sweet trail systems here so thats pretty dope. 

Q: You just got merch, any similar plans for the future?

A: Yes – and hopefully more inventory and organization next time around. it was a solid test run, everyone was honestly really f****ngggg cool about it being so haphazard and messy and i think thats either a testament to how awesome bevvies are or how dumb you all think i am. Either way, i was pretty floored that things sold so quickly and while i obviously dont wanna blast the s**t outta town with these dumb stickers i do wanna get some more stuff out there so uh stay tuned and THANK YOU if you already bought something. who knows maybe ill end up buying that house after all. oh and im donating a percentage of profits back to local coola*s places starting with Beverly Bootstraps because its honestly absurd to me that i can even make money doing this so that makes me feel less guilty or something idk also Bootstraps just f****n slaps.

You can keep up with EnteringBeverly’s merch and laugh at the Bev memes on Instagram @enteringbeverly.

Thank you EnteringBeverly for the fun opportunity (I guess)!