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BHS Music Dept. Hosts Halloween Scavenger Hunt

By Nola Minogue ’21

On October 25, the BHS Music Department Officers organized the group’s first in person social event in over seven months- a Halloween themed scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt spanned the grounds of BHS. In order to complete it, music department students had to answer questions related to the department and Halloween, from “What was the BHS musical last year and who directed it?” to “How do you spell CANDY with two letters?” (to which the answers are Cinderella directed by department head Lyn Pilanen-Kudlik, and c and y). Following the scavenger hunt was a costume contest for the attendees. 

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the music department has struggled to come together in person as a community. Activities like singing and playing wind instruments are considered high risk, and classes have yet to meet in person- instead, those in band and chorus have spent their first blocks of the day at home on a Google Meet.

Nevertheless, the student officers were determined to bring the department together. “Going into it, we weren’t quite sure how it would go, being socially-distanced and outside in colder weather,” commented Strings secretary Caroline Foley. “However, I think we were all really happy with the results and hope we’ll get the chance to do something similar in the future!”

Photo curtesy of Adam Costa