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NHS Helps in Keeping Beverly Beautiful

By Caroline Foley ’21

Every year, Beverly High School’s National Honor Society holds fundraisers to help out the community. This year is no different, with NHS working with Keep Beverly Beautiful to plant new trees in Beverly through donations to their fundraiser.

Keep Beverly Beautiful is an organization working to make the city clean and green. With BHS’s National Honor Society, they are looking to balance out the consequences of the school’s paper usage by planting trees in Beverly. On May 1st, this spring, volunteers will travel the city to plant trees in the yards of residents who requested trees. Requesting a tree only costs five dollars and the organization is looking to accomplish their goal of planting 200 new trees in Beverly.

You can head over to to request a tree for your own yard. Ali Kyrouz is one of the BHS National Society officers and she is organizing the NHS students that will be volunteering to plant trees on May 1st. “I’m excited for NHS to help with sustainability in our community,” Kyrouz says. As an issue important to Kyrouz as well as many other students, keeping our community clean and eco-friendly is something that NHS hopes the rest of the city will pitch in to support.