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A Letter to the Class of 2020

By Grace Carella ’21

To the Class of 2020,

This is it.  Your highschool years are coming to their conclusions and you are preparing to begin a new chapter of your life.  It all started on your first day, in the building that you would soon be calling home during the next four years.  The halls were nothing more than a labyrinth and the staircases made you feel lost.  New faces, lesson plans, and classmates filled you with excitement that was accompanied with a sense of “first day anxiety”.  As you devoted your time to all of your classes, extracurriculars, and sports, you learned many valuable lessons. 

Most of these lessons were presented through a textbook, slideshow, or lab experiment.  But the most important lessons were learned outside of the classroom.  You learned to drive, you pumped gas for the first time, and took your first SAT.  Some of you entered the employment world, while others learned how to manage money they already had.  You faced disappointment, failure, and adversity but at the end of the day, always went to bed stronger than you were that morning.

Look at your hands. Yes, do it.  Those were the hands that gave high fives to your friends, the hands that held the pencil as you worked tirelessly at home and at your desk.  Those were the hands that went up in the air when you heard your favorite song, and those were the hands that wiped the tears from your eyes in the somber moments.  Now, these are the hands that will wave goodbye to the old, and begin to clear the path to your future that you are about to blaze.

As a graduate, you have been challenged to set your goals high, stretch yourself, and to be industrious in all that you do.  You have learned that life is not always fair, and that the human body was NOT designed to pull three consecutive all nighters.  You learned that with great risk comes great reward, and that the only way to achieve your goals is to take the first step forwards.  You learned that people come and people go, but that there will always be people who have your back. 

That test was super easy?  Was it really that easy… or are you just trying to ignore the fact that you spent the last four nights watching Netflix instead of studying?  Again, another lesson learned: Netflix shows will still be there after your super important test.  Teachers and other staff taught you that everyone has a different perspective of the world, and that even though you are only a small human, you can still leave your mark.  

To our senior athletes, your senior tours have been cut short, but all of the memories from your past seasons will follow you, no matter where you tread.  All of the wins and losses will forever be in your heart.  The silent bus rides home, the pre-game jitters, as well as the victories have shaped your high school careers.  You proudly wore Beverly on your uniform, jersey and sports attire, proving that you have what it takes to be a true Panther. 

The fan base at Beverly High School could not be more proud of all that its seniors have achieved.  The accolades gained during the past four years truly reflect the drive, dedication, passion, and unity of our athletics programs.  All of your coaches have had the pleasure of watching both your athletic growth and character development.  You will remember the coaches that pushed you and never let you give up.

You will remember all the times they yelled and made you run until you couldn’t walk, and the times that they depended on you to be the leaders that they knew you could be. But more importantly, you will remember the opportunity they gave you to play the game you learned to love, the game that changed your life, the game that taught you more lessons that school could, and to meet the people you called your teammates.  Years from now you will not remember the wins and losses of each season, but instead the people who took this journey with you and walked with you every step of the way.

Today and every day moving forward will be filled with memories that will last you a lifetime, and the future is bright for every member of the class of 2020.

Best wishes and remember,

Be Better

Be Best

Be Beverly


Grace Carella ‘21

Photo curtesy of the Class of 2020 Instagram