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An Interview with Outsiders on Salem, MA

By Emily Bala ’23

As residents of Beverly, we often forget about Salem’s touristic appeal. That is, until it’s time to avoid the annual Halloween traffic.  

Salem boasts an estimated 500,000 tourists a year, all due to its rich history and amusing attractions. The witch museum, downtown activities, and a uniform theme of the supernatural all add to its supposed atmosphere.

But how does this translate to outsiders? Luckily, I had the opportunity to interview multiple teenagers around the United States and get insight on their varying perspectives. 

First and foremost, two out of the nine participants had visited Salem prior to questioning. When asked about the experience and a possible return, both mentioned specific attractions:

“When I visited, a lot of shops in the main area were based on the supernatural/spirituality so I’d probably just browse their shops geared towards tourists” – Olive G., North Carolina

“If I were to go back, I would definitely go eat at Dick’s [Last] Resort again, the food was great and it’s where I tried alligator for the first time! Not sure if it’s exclusive to Salem/Boston, but still worth the trip!” – Nichole L., New York

As for the others who have not visited, three out of the seven have considered visiting. Four out of the seven have not. 

Furthermore, the group expressed a similar baseline of knowledge. The first thought that came to mind concerning the town was more often than not, the infamous 1600 Witch Trials – a time period which resulted in two hundred accusations of supernatural abilities and nineteen instances of capital punishment. What once tortured colonials in the 17th century would turn into Salem’s legacy and a modern day marvel. 

“The Salem Witch Trials is what comes to mind.” – Karrie S., Virginia

“The first thing that comes to mind is probably The Witch Trials” – Kyree S., Minnesota 

“The Salem Witch Trials” – Maggie M., Virginia

“Probably the Salem Witch Trials and just spooky things” – Olive G., North Carolina

“Witches, horror, Halloween, costumes, jump scares, food, history, cursed, dark” – Eralda H., Illinois

Surprisingly though, a few participants had very little familiarity with its dark history:

“I’ve never looked into it until this survey.” – Danielle E., Illinois

“I’ve never heard of Salem, MA.” – Mia S., North Carolina

Despite this blip in knowledge, the teens still expressed common themes regarding the presumed atmosphere, proving Salem’s reputation is strongly established. Words such as “eerie”, “festive”, “creepy”, “witchy”, “historic”, “haunted”, and simply  “spooky, considering its past” (- Kyree S., Minnesota) all support the fact that we live next to a recognized tourist attraction marketing its death-filled past.

However, despite the unsettling climate concerning Salem, the group proved inclination to visit. When asked about Salem’s appeal during Halloween on a scale from 1 to 5, the group averaged a 3.7. (1 being avoidant and 5 being seeking out ways to visit). 

“3, I’m neutral since I don’t know much about Salem, but if it’s a Halloween town, it seems like a fun place to go.” – Danielle E., Illinois 

“4, I’d like to go to Salem’s attractions during Halloween to get a feel of its atmosphere and setting.” – Kyree S., Minnesota 

“4, I believe it would be fun to see others dress up and see Halloween decorations around the city.” -Jazmine C., New Jersey

“3, I would try to avoid it but I also want to learn more about the trials.”  – Karrie S., Virginia 

“3, the time I went wasn’t a personal choice, it was a field trip for summer camp BUT, I would go again considering it wasn’t that bad. Since this would be during Halloween, it would be perfect to go again with all the spooky attractions and tourist spots they have!” – Nichole L., New York

Understandably, Salem’s allure is clear as it upholds its trademark environment. 

Finally, I asked participants what they would like to experience if given the chance to visit. Museums, spooky sights, historical landmarks, shops, Halloween scenery with festive snacks, parties, tarot readings, and memorials, all seemed to be what teenagers across the United States wished to see. 

Here in Beverly, we don’t usually think twice about Salem as it’s so close to us. It’s a common town we pass through, sometimes go out to, and rival, especially during Thanksgiving. To others though, its rich history blankets the town in a dark, spooky, cloud proving to be magnetic. Our Halloween annoyance is the rest of the world’s fascination. 


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