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Athlete Brayden Clark Reflects on His Four Years and Shares Plans for the Future

By Grace Carella ‘21

Brayden Clark is always ready to rise to the challenge.

The multisport All-Star senior helped to guide Beverly to numerous title runs and playoff games during his athletic run as a Panther.  Working tirelessly to better his athletic performance, Clark also excelled in the classroom, proudly earning a 3.7 GPA.  A familiar face around the BHS as well as Beverly Community, Brayden has left his mark.

As a three season athlete, driven student, and active member of the community, Clark has excelled in areas requiring intense focus, dedication and determination.  An aspiring business marketing major, Brayden has redefined what hard work and passion can achieve.  Recalling his favorite class (Marketing with Mrs. Marescalchi), Brayden is nostalgic, but also excited to see what the future holds. I had the opportunity to talk with him as he reflects on his career as a Beverly Panther, and got to hear what advice he has for upcoming generations of students.

Get to Know Brayden Clark

Favorite movie: Now You See Me 

Favorite song: Power Trip 

Favorite musical artist: Jason Aldean, Drake

Favorite app: Snapchat 

Pre-game snack: Granola Bar

Pre-game superstitions: Same warm up every time I play 

Favorite Hype song: Scholarships by Drake & Future

Career Aspiration: Business owner

What High School sports did you play?

Baseball (second base and pitcher), hockey (defense) and golf all four years.

What was one important thing that you learned at BHS?

I learned that it’s crucial to take advantage of every opportunity that is given because you never know if that same opportunity will be there again. Whether it is in sports, school, or outside of school, take advantage of whatever is presented.

What was one challenge you faced at BHS? 

Not having a final senior baseball season and graduation at Hurd will definitely be one of the hardest things that the class of 2020 will face in their lives. 

What was one thing that made your high school experience complete? 

My high school experience was never “complete” but my friends, coaches, and teachers all made it very special for me. I was able to create great relationships with a lot of people throughout my time at BHS. 

What was one thing that you wish you had done during your time at BHS? 

I wish I had not taken things for granted.  You never know what could happen and what could be taken away from you.  I also wish I had more fun with the people surrounding me and enjoyed every moment when we were able to be with each other. 

What was one thing that you were proud that you did during your time at BHS? 

I was proud of all the awards that I received in sports, as well as my captainship of three varsity teams. 

If you could change/get rid of/add one thing to BHS, what would it be and why? 

I wish you were able to keep your jersey from past years.  I could have something to remind me of my high school experience in a sport that I played. 

What advice would you give to incoming students?

Try to create good relationships with teachers because having someone that will help you get through high school will make it that much easier . Being able to talk to them whenever you’re struggling will make it that much easier. Also, try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Do something outside of school like a sport or club and keep yourself busy. 

What was your favorite highschool sports memory?

My state title run my sophomore year and starting my first varsity baseball game in the first round of playoffs. 

What person had the biggest impact on you athletically at BHS?

Coach [Andrew] Scott.  He definitely was one of my biggest mentors and all around the best coach I’ve ever been able to play for.  

Were there any specific words or pieces of advice that stuck with you from a couch?

Coach Scott always told me to always be careful with my body and to make sure I always keep it in the best shape possible.

What made BHS sports special for you? 

The coaches and teammates I was able to create good relationships with showed me how to become a leader, and get to where I am now as a student-athlete. 

What was one athletic challenge you faced during your time at BHS and what did it teach you?

Injuries were a challenge because they taught me that I need to be more careful with my body.  I need to make sure I’m doing everything right in order to stay healthy. 

Do you have any people you would like to give a shout out to?

My family, teachers and coaches.

“Playing for BHS is something that I definitely will never forget and I’m very glad I was able to create relationships with so many people. I couldn’t have asked for better coaches and teachers throughout my four years of high school.”

-Brayden Clark ‘20

In the fall Brayden will attend Salve Regina University, where he will study Business Management, and continue his athletic career as a member of the baseball team.