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Bidding Farewell to Mrs. Taylor During Her Last Year at BHS

By Klea Gjergji ’23

Mrs. Taylor (Elizabeth Taylor), a former English teacher and our current principal, will be retiring this summer after thirty-seven outstanding years at Beverly High School. Mrs. Taylor’s encouraging demeanor has shaped the student experience at Beverly High, leaving a remarkable impact on the school community. She always comes into school with a smile and a positive attitude over the intercom each morning, which we admire, and will greatly miss. 

I had the exciting opportunity to interview Mrs. Taylor and reflect back on her years at BHS: 

Q:  What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment as a principal? 

“I’ve worked with my administrative team so hard to create these career pathways and paying attention to kids who don’t go to college right away. So we’ve worked really hard on courses that follow a sort of line of career area, building up dual enrollment, building up more AP and honors courses. I think the other thing is that we try to work on school climate. Of course two years of COVID affected school climate, but giving students more voice with climate committee, students starting clubs, trying to work for equity in maybe small subtle ways. So really getting students involved more and giving students more options.”

Q: What is something you will miss most about working at BHS?

“Well, the people. Honestly, I’m not just retiring as a principal, I’m retiring as an educator. I got out of college, started as a teacher, so for me September is always the beginning of the year and that will be different. I’ll miss the people, not just colleagues I’ve worked with for years, but just the life of the school. Kids getting excited for prom or people getting together for the play rehearsal or a class that’s going really well, I’ll miss that kind of interaction.”

Q: What has been your most memorable moment at BHS?

“I did the school plays for thirty-five years. The non musicals, the fall play and the Drama Fest. I loved doing those, I still miss those. Teaching, I miss that moment when the class gets it, and you know they get it. As a principal or an administrator, bringing people together like when you have a team of teachers that create something really well, those are nice moments.”

Q:  What advice would you like to leave students off with?

“I want kids to be willing to try again. I don’t want to pretend that everything is easy for everybody all the time, because it isn’t. Things sometimes take more than once. Try to look for new opportunities, look for people who will help you, look for resources that are available. If someone offers a hand, take it. I think what’s tough for people is when you feel alone and when you feel like there’s no other way. So keep your eyes and ears open for another chance and another direction.”

Thank you Mrs. Taylor for your years of hard work and dedication to Beverly High School, best wishes for your retirement and future plans!