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BMS Eighth Graders Prepare to Graduate

By Gianna Ferace ’25

Get ready eighth graders, because high school is closer than ever! Our graduation to celebrate the end of middle school will take place June 9 at 11:00 and each team will have their ceremony separately. That means that there will be a time slot for the team, where they will hand out awards and give speeches. Once they are finished, students will be able to enjoy a treat of their choice from the ice cream truck! Afterwards, students will return back to their homerooms where the rest of the day will be filled with games, movies, and yearbook signings! Two guests per student are invited, so be sure to take lots of pictures for loved ones who aren’t able to attend. This year hasn’t been normal, that’s for sure. We went from remote, to hybrid, and then finally back to full time. We’ve spent months apart from friends and family, and school wasn’t always the first thing on our minds. Our lives were turned upside down, and it wasn’t easy to push away our worries and focus on learning. But the world is getting better! Instead of a virtual last day like the previous year, our graduation will be outside of the school, filled with our teachers, classmates, and the people who have supported us. Congratulations middle schoolers, you are officially moving on to high school!