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BMS Raises Money for Homeless Families

By Norah Jewett ’25

Recently, the Beverly Middle School 8th Grade Peer Leaders hosted a school-wide fundraiser, in hopes of raising money for the organization Family Promise. Each grade was assigned a color to wear during the given days the fundraiser was hosted on. Orange for 5th Grade, green for 6th Grade, red for 7th Grade and blue for 8th Grade. The winning grade would be sent a Google Form with four options to “prank the principals.”

The school as a whole ended up raising $2,135.96 during the two days the event was held. 7th Grade ended up raising the most amount of money with $651.32, closely followed by 5th Grade with a total of $604.50, then 6th Grade with $556, and finally 8th Grade with $324.14. All of the money is going to be dropped off at the Family Promise headquarters in Beverly, so that it can be used to benefit homeless families.