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Community in Clubs: Women’s Empowerment

By Klea Gjergji & Emily Bala ’23

As we ease into a more normal (COVID-free) world, it’s crucial to get back into the swing of things! Social interactions and community involvement are very important during this time, and yet can sometimes be challenging. Community in Clubs, a series in the Ledger, is your guide to joining clubs. In this series, we explore a new club, summarize our experience, and hopefully encourage students across the school to join! Scroll below for a summary or read on for a detailed view!

For this issue, we explored Women’s Empowerment, a club dedicated to “raising money for women’s healthcare, shelters, in our community and beyond.” The club also works on raising the self-esteem of girls at our school, building a safe community, and spreading information concerning influential women! As mentioned in their Instagram bio, “everyone is welcome no matter your pronouns”! The club boasts an estimated 50+ members, calculated by the number of members in the Snapchat group chat. 

When we arrived at one of the meetings on Wednesday, the club members had organized an activity that included writing empowering messages with chalk outside our school’s front doors. Those messages included things like, “women are powerful” and “women can achieve anything!”. Materials were distributed by those who could contribute and everyone was encouraged to participate! During their next meeting, we got involved with decorating a display bulletin board in the hallway for Women’s History Month. The members were very inclusive and friendly to any new people who wanted to participate and add their own creativity. The hallways were filled with laughter and joy as we all celebrated achievements in our new close community. 

Overall, our experience was gratifying and the members let everyone express their creativity in ways that can help promote women’s empowerment. It was a fun, organized club, and we really encourage everyone to at least attend a meeting! 

W.E.C. is constantly moving fast with new events frequently occurring. Each meeting tackles a new plan, goal, or event in an organized manner! If you are looking for a club to promote empowerment, fundraise, and build a community,  join the club after school in room 458 on Wednesdays after school! Your creativity and help would be greatly valued. 

Summary & Key Info: 

Club: Women’s Empowerment 

Summary: A student-led club focused on promoting empowerment for Women in the community. 

Goal: Raising the self-esteem of girls at our school, building a safe community, and spreading information concerning influential women. Also, raising money for women’s healthcare and shelters in our community and beyond. 

When: Every other Wednesday after school (unless stated otherwise)

Where: Room 458

Contact info:

Danielle Smith – Founder:

Sophie Rogers – Founder:

Kayla Johnston – Founder:

Mrs. Wolf – Advisor:

Instagram: @bhs_womensempowerment