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Freshman Class Election Winners Announced

By Brayden Haley ’25

In the early afternoon on September 29th, the freshman class found out the winner of the elections. The presidential role was secured by Grace Earl. Other winners were Kelly Flannery for vice president, Elliott Lund for secretary, and Alexa Faletra for treasurer. Earlier, speeches were presented to an audience of all of the freshmen who then voted for their favorite candidates in each role. The auditorium was electric, and applause was bouncing off the walls before and after every speech. I, personally, thought every candidate did an excellent job during the elections, and they deserve to give themselves a pat on their back. When asked about her experience and what she has planned for the year to come, Grace Earl had this to say.

Question: Why did you run for class president?

Grace: I ran for class president because I wanted to be more involved in our student government so I can help make changes, organize fundraisers, and plan events.

Question: What are your plans for the upcoming year?    

Grace: I would love to plan new and different fundraisers so the freshman class can take-part in fun activities such as a possible spring carnival.  

Question: Are you considering running again next year if everything goes well?

Grace: Definitely!

Question: How was your campaigning experience and how did you feel before, during, or after your speech?

Grace: It was really interesting talking to different people in our grade and learning what they wanted to see happen this year! I was super nervous for the speech but once I started speaking it was a ton of fun!

Question: Is there anything you want to add?

Grace: I hope people feel comfortable coming up and talking to all the student officers regarding any topics they feel are important! 

All in all, the freshman class elections were really fun and eventful. I congratulate everyone who tried running and giving a speech. Get ready for the 2021-2022 school year, because it’s probably going to be one we won’t forget.