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Halloween Blood Drive

Adelaide Maloney ‘22

November 22, 2019

This year on Wednesday, October 30, a blood drive was held out of Beverly High School. Known as the Halloween Blood Drive within the school, this event is held annually by the school’s division of the National Honor Society. The blood drive enables students to give back to their community by donating blood, possibly even saving lives. Signing up for the blood drive takes place during lunch periods before the event takes place. Students donate blood during class or lunchtime depending on their respective schedules. This makes the blood drive a convenient way for teenagers to make an impact on their communities.

Of course, there are certain restrictions put in place. Students must be at least sixteen to participate in the blood drive. They must be seventeen to donate blood without their guardian’s consent. Additionally, participants must sign a waiver in order to give their blood and are given information on how to make the process as convenient and safe as possible. A final regulation states that students with piercings or tattoos less than six months old may not donate blood. This is often what prevents the students from donating blood, so be sure to plan ahead for the next blood drive in April!