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Keeping Music Alive: BHS Music Department

Above: Music Dept. on 2019 Music Trip to Washington, DC

By Leah Katz ’21

The Beverly High School Music Department has always been known for its close-knit-family dynamic. Even with school closures and social distancing prohibiting seeing each other in person, the department continues to prosper, virtually.

Unfortunately, video chat platforms such as Zoom and Google Hangouts have a delay in the sound, which means that they can’t be used for live performances together. Instead, the department has turned to numerous online platforms to record their performances. The website Soundtrap is being used by all groups to construct songs and performances.

Introduced first within the vocal groups, Soundtrap allows each musician to record themselves individually, which can then be combined with everyone else to sound like the whole group is singing together. The group then gets together on a Zoom meeting and sings through the song, on mute, while recording the screen. The screen recording of everyone singing can be paired up with the audio from Soundtrap to produce a final video of the full group singing.

After successful recordings in both the Vocal Ensemble and Treble Choir, the platform is now being used by the Chorale, Concert Band, and String Ensemble to produce a department-wide performance. These recordings will eventually be compiled by department head Ms. Pilanen-Kudlik, in an effort to replicate the Spring Concert, which has been cancelled. Other platforms such as SmartMusic, are used primarily by the Band. SmartMusic has a varied library sheet music and recordings of each part for hundreds of pieces. Students can play along with the provided recording, and also record themselves playing along.

The program can detect incorrect notes and help players improve while continuing to provide daily musical immersion. Band director Adam Costa has also been providing weekly video updates and Google Hangouts to connect with everyone and answer any questions during this confusing time.

In addition to creating wonderful virtual performances, Ms. PK has also provided virtual lessons for all the vocal groups. Hosted on Zoom, all participants are muted while Ms. PK plays different voice parts. This enables everyone to sing along at home just as they would in class.

“Although it isn’t what everyone wants to be doing right now, I feel like we’ve adapted really well through Zoom all throughout the department,” says Tobey Archibald, a junior in the Vocal Ensemble. “We are lucky to have the technology today to be able to keep seeing each other and singing with each other!”

This optimistic and hopeful sentiment is shared throughout all groups in the department. Keegan Donaghue, a sophomore in the Treble Choir, remarks, “it’s been so nice to see each other even if we aren’t all together in class.” 

It is clear to see that continuing music is much more than just a video performance. The classes on Zoom and recordings on Soundtrap continue the community spirit and support that can be found all throughout the department. Everyone is incredibly grateful for these online opportunities and the efforts made by Ms. PK to create video performances and online lessons.

“So far I would say that Ms. PK’s and Mr. Costa’s strong dedication to ensuring we don’t lose connection with each other during the pandemic is what stands out from the rest of my teachers,” says Emily Rosenberg, a senior member of the Treble Choir and Band. School cancellations have been especially tough on the class of 2020, but the seniors in the music department are keeping their heads up and enjoying the new musical experiences.

“I’m really glad the music and arts department has gotten so creative in enabling students to express creativity during this time!” exclaims Julia Toler, another senior in the Vocal Ensemble, Band and Jazz Band. 

Needless to say, this department will continue to adapt and prosper under new circumstances and while facing new challenges. The virtual Spring Concert will be made available on May 27, the original date for the concert. The BHS Music Department will always continue collaborating and creating, and we look forward to the performances throughout the rest of the year. 

Below: Full House opening credits parody, BHS Music Dept. style. Source: bhstaylor Instagram

Ledger writers in video:

Leah Katz- Band, Chorus, Vocal Ensemble

Nola Minogue- Treble Choir, Colorguard