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New Year Brings New Door Systems at BHS

By Norah Jewett ’25

As many students have noticed some of the changes around the school over the first few weeks, one of the more noticeable changes is the change of the doors leading into the gym. While students were previously able to enter and exit the field house from the hallway, those doors have been locked and students now need to enter via the stairway by the wellness classrooms. Additionally, the multiple doors leading into the fieldhouse from the outside are locked, and an alarm will sound if they are opened until it is shut off by a teacher badge.

While many students have expressed their dislike for this new enforced policy, these regulations have been put in place for two reasons. One is for security, as keeping the doors leading to the outside under alarm significantly lowers the chances of people entering the field house without teachers knowing. The second reason is to keep students from skipping class to hang out in the field house, even when their gym class is not underway. Last year this posed a problem, so the administration found this to be a suitable solution. By keeping all of the doors to the field house locked, it discourages students from having to walk all the way around to enter. So far, this seems to be working well. Even though it is a minor inconvenience for students with classes in the field house, it is a small price to pay for the security and attendance benefits it gives.