By Nola Minogue
January 29th, 2020
As female students at BHS can attest to, vinyl stickers have gone up on mirrors and hand dryers in the girls bathrooms and locker rooms throughout school, prompting the response of ‘huh’? Mirrors reflect back ‘beautiful’ and ‘strong’ in black lettering, which according to four Juniors is what we should be seeing when we look at ourselves.
“We’re trying to spread positivity and creativity,” said Panther Press student Nora Devitt. Her and Mackenzie Gilligan, Kennedy Faris, Julia Otterbein, and Sydney Ruggieri took inspiration from a message in their teacher’s room, to create stickers in photoshop and then place them throughout different bathrooms and classrooms.
The students are also using the project to raise money for the Bobby Forster Fund through the sale of their stickers.