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The Curtain Opens on Stage Right Drama Club

By Keegan Donoghue & Kyra Meagher ’22

You might know of the shows that go on here at BHS, but what you might not know is that there is a drama club that is dedicated to creating and performing these wonderful plays. The Stage Right Drama Club has been around for years, putting on shows like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, It’s a Wonderful Life, and most recently Alice in Wonderland. Producing a show takes a lot of people with a lot of different skills, and there is always room for new members! If you are interested in becoming a member of the cast, auditions are held before each show and are open to everyone. If you are more interested in working behind the scenes, consider joining the crew! The stage crew works together to create the setting of the play–designing, building, and painting, as well as getting set pieces and props on and off stage during rehearsal and shows. Or maybe you are more interested in working in the booth! Light crew is a vital part of the production. They work on the lighting and scene cues, shine the spotlights, and manipulate the colors and brightness to make the show come alive. 

“Being part of the crew is a great creative outlet, a way to meet new people, and the chance to try new things,” explained Kyra Meagher, Stage Right President. 

When you’re part of the sound crew, you are in charge of creating sound effects, managing the mics that the actors wear throughout the show, and controlling mics during the rehearsals and performances. Perhaps you aren’t as interested in electronics, and are more intrigued by design… join the costume crew! The costume crew finds fabulous clothes from our giant costume closet, from ball gowns to animal costumes. If you can think of it, our talented costume designers can make it. 

“I loved being a part of so many wonderful productions and getting to work with so many talented and creative people,” commented Victoria Thompson, Senior Costume Manager. 

Are you interested in stage makeup and creating fun hairstyles? Join the hair and makeup crew and create the right look for each individual actor or actress. 

“Because no matter how bad your day is going, walking into that theater and seeing your friends can brighten any day,” mentioned Connor Hathaway, Stage Right Secretary. 

Another activity Stage Right participates in is the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild’s High School Drama Festival. Dramafest is a one-act play competition that schools from all over Massachusetts flock to each March. At Dramafest, every high school gets 40 minutes to perform its show for the judges. They also get five minutes to bring all of the set and props onto the stage, and five minutes to clear the stage after the play has concluded. There are three rounds: prelims, semi-finals, and finals. 

So, if you are interested in auditioning or becoming a member of the crew, sign up before 9/13/21 for this year’s fall play. We hope to see you there! 

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