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Thursday’s at the Library

By Nola Minogue

Video Game Club, an association of students spanning all grades and skill levels, gathers on Thursdays at the BHS library.

Club President and BHS Senior Alexa Grant begins meetings by setting up the system for the group to play on. “When people show up they can play their own systems,” said Grant. “Or join the one that’s on the projector. It’s chill and laid back so everyone is really outgoing and fun.”

Cameron Petroccione (‘19) founded the club as a freshman, and it has since carried on. “I knew the majority of upperclassmen who were in the club, and one day I just showed up.”

Last year, the club attended the PAX gaming convention in Boston. “[It] has gaming events and booths that you can buy or play games on, special meet and greets with voice actors of games and shows, assemblies that you can sit through and listen to about new games coming out, or gamers talking about anything,” Grant explained. “If you don’t mind crowds then I totally recommend it for anyone who likes video games and to connect with people who also like the same things you like.”

Roughly a dozen student-gamers attend each Thursday meeting, some having trickled in from Dungeons & Dragons club, which is held in the librarian’s office. BHS Social Studies teacher Steve Lunn supervises both clubs, making it convenient for kids to pop in. New members are always encouraged to join.