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Upcoming Theatrical Performances at BHS

By Norah Jewett ‘25

As we start to transition into the second half of the school year, Beverly High is currently gearing up for a handful of theatrical productions set to perform this upcoming March. These students are after school almost every day rehearsing scenes, building sets, and practicing music, all in preparation for their upcoming productions. While March may seem like a while away, time almost seems to fly for these students who are hard at work doing their best to create memorable shows for themselves and audiences alike.

First up, the Stage Right Drama Club is preparing for their production for the Massachusetts Theater Guide’s “DramaFest” event. DramaFest––an event that occurs on the first weekend of March for high school theater students across the state–– involves different schools getting together for a day of theater, each putting on their 40 minute plays in front of other schools and a panel of judges. Half of the schools at a given location will move on to the Semi-Final Round, and from there, two schools per location will be chosen to move onto the State Finals.

Last year, Beverly High moved on to the Semi-Finals, a feat they haven’t achieved since 2019.

This year, the Drama Club is performing William Shakespeare’s most beloved plays: A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It’s a hilarious comedy that takes place in an enchanted forest, involving merry mix-ups of misplaced love and great confusion, a man who gets turned into a donkey, and most importantly: magical fairies. 

Beverly High is set to perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream at St. John Prep on March 1st. Tickets can be purchased for $10 that guarantees entry for all eight shows being performed that day.

If you aren’t interested in making the 15 minute drive to Danvers the day of the Festival, you still have the opportunity to attend the show. On Thursday, February 27th, Stage Right will perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream at 4:30 at the BHS auditorium free of charge for the Beverly community. If you’re interested, mark your calendars to help support the theater youths of Beverly!

After DramaFest concludes, the theatrics aren’t over just yet. On March 14th at 7PM, 15th at 7PM and 16th at 2PM, the BHS Music Department presents The Addams Family: The Musical, a hilarious and ghoulish musical comedy featuring the well-loved pop culture family. With energetic ensemble numbers such as “When You’re an Addam” and “One Normal Night,” humorous solo numbers like “Two Things” and “Pulled,” and finally the dramatic dance number that is “Tango de Amor,” this score and crazy plot are sure to keep you well entertained for an evening.

If you’re looking for something to do this upcoming March, consider attending one (or both!) of these shows! It certainly won’t be an evening you’ll regret in the slightest.