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What Makes Gen Z Different?

By Klea Gjergji ’23

Generation Z is typically defined as the generation of people born between the years 1997 and 2012. Gen Z is constantly forming new unique characteristics, but what truly makes our generation different from the ones before us? 

Gen Z had the luxury of being born into a time when technological developments were taking place, and information was becoming accessible to us at our fingertips. Eventually, technology naturally became easier for our generation to utilize and broaden our learning and knowledge. We tend to rely on social media for entertainment, shopping, and learning, but our vast knowledge of technology also makes us suitable leaders in the workplace as “tech savvy” employees. Generation Z is especially involved in advocating for social change and addressing problems through social media platforms. This has helped drive activism into the digital age, where it can be accessible to educate almost everyone anywhere. 

Our generation is entering adulthood in the midst of a global pandemic, which is impacting every aspect of our lives—from future education to social life—in ways unlike past generations. In addition to the usual college selection and job seeking events a young adult goes through, they have to also navigate a new norm of virtual learning, remote work, and social distancing. The impact of our academic performance due to COVID-19 is mostly because of the difficult transition to online learning during the spring of 2020. 

Gen Z is one of the most engaged generations in taking stance on social issues including politics, the environment, equality, and health. Climate change seems to be one of the most impactful issues, and sustainability is deemed important to Gen Z. A consumer spending survey by First Insight Inc found that 73% of responding Gen Zers were agreeable with paying more for sustainable products, and no other generation reported such a high willingness to do so.

First Insight Inc Survey: e-retail/

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