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What Do We Love About the Caf?

By Mia Occhino ’23

Recently, a survey was sent out inquiring of the student body’s general opinion on the food and drinks served in the school cafeteria. The responses were as follows:

Question 1 – How would you rate the cafeteria food on a scale of 1 to 10?

The answer that garnered the most votes was 5 out of 10, with 22.9% of participants choosing that option.

Question 2 – On average, how many days per week do you purchase food or drinks from the cafeteria?

The most popular answer was 0 out of 5 days, with 33.9%.

Question 3 – If you purchase anything, what do you usually get? (check all that apply)

The most selected item was snacks from the grab and go, with 71.6%.

The last few questions on the survey were open responses, allowing students to submit their favorite items available in the cafeteria, as well as items they would like to see added in the future. The most popular response was popcorn by far, which is visualized in the word cloud below.

Most of the suggestions for items to be added to the cafeteria were legitimate, such as more vegetarian/vegan or healthy options and more seasoned food, or a better variety of snacks and drinks; however, there were more interesting responses recorded as well, such as “\_(\”)_/” and “toy cars.” Overall, the survey’s responses seem to be indicative of an interest in having the students’ voice heard in the food served in the cafeteria.