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Bonny Breads: Calling All Bread Lovers!

By Klea Gjergji ’23

Bonny Breads is a local bakery downtown that produces a wide variety of rustic organic bread and delightful pastries. The bakery opened in October of last year but has already attracted hungry crowds and made an impact in Beverly. 

I went inside the bakery for the first time this past week, looking for a savory lunch after school. I was in awe looking at the array of flaky croissants, brioches, baguettes, and alluring muffins. I asked the kind cashier for a classic brioche to satisfy my lunch cravings and a fluffy square cinnamon bun that caught my eye for an evening dessert. 

The classic brioche was soft and delicate, offering just the right amount of buttery taste. I was very satisfied after, but I could not stop pondering how good it would taste with some berry jam for my next visit. 

Once dessert came around, I was excited to try the cinnamon bun. It had fluffy cheesecake frosting dripping on all sides and stayed warm since lunchtime. From the first bite, I already knew it was the best cinnamon bun I had ever tasted! It was soft on the inside and the sweetness was the perfect amount, not to mention the divine cinnamon sugar interior. 

The food had a very particular taste in which you could tell it was freshly made, it was truly like no other. The flour is organic and ground by local mills which adds a touch of authenticity. I would highly recommend Bonny Breads for your next lunch stop! 

Image Credit: @Bonnybreads on Instagram